Use the form on the left and follow these easy steps to be on your way to delivering amazing student feedback.
Enter the first name of the student.
If you decide to use the class field, the student and the comment will be placed into the class you assign. A student can be in more than one class so you can have separate, class specific comments for a single student if you wish.
Choose their gender.
Select a grade that you would give the student in each area and a note will be included in your comment describing the level of progression.
Select None to not mention this area in your comment.
Click the Generate Comment button after you are done making your selections.
You can keep clicking the Generate Comment button again and again to generate slightly different comments using the same student attributes.
You can move the mouse pointer over the comment text and left click once to copy the comment quickly.
When you are satisfied with the comment you can click the New Student button to clear all the student attributes and begin working on a new student.